extraordinary to ordinary to extraordinary again!
Isn't it almost the law of nature how the people living in the mountains often seem to find the mountains, the mist, and the calmness pretty boring. Meanwhile, the city folk cant wait to get away to small town. the ocean is just another entity living for the fishermen.its pretty awesome (and sad) how the little extraordinary(s) in our life become the things we consider ordinary and something that is just going to be there forever. The banyan tree you seen at the complex's circle, the one you have passed by forever. doesn't a time come where you forget to appreciate its majestic branches and the way the roots hand silently leaning towards the road. the glorious view to the ever busy highway seems just another noisey place when you have seen it long enough. Isnt is unfortunate how all of the extraordinary in our life seem more than ordinary for us. I think this also works on people. We have seen our parents make sacrifices, work forever and toil just to make us happy. we...