The never-ending questions!


Welcome to another weekly blog! This time, instead of providing you with tips and tricks, we are presenting you with some thoughts about curiosity! Hope you like it and mostly I hope this blog will send you on a trial of thoughts as well. 

I remember being a very curious child. I used to think about what existed before god, before the earth. What does “nothing” look like? And who is god? What is a scientist? There was always a blackboard in mind filled with equations and questions and stuff.

Today, as a 14 year old, I still seem to have questions. But the similarities between young me questions and now me questions is that I don’t ask them to anyone. I keep them to myself. Does anyone even have the answers to these questions? What does my future look like? Can I make a dent in the universe? Is my education really of any value? Am I a good person? Am I terrible? Do I look ugly? Am I just dumb? Do I have what it takes to do stuff I want to do?

When it comes to my school stuff, I rarely ask questions. Mostly because I figure them out, according to my thoughts, until I’m satisfied. On the rare occasions, when I ask questions, sometimes, I’m not satisfied with the answers I’m given; so then I opt for my own theories. Or I would sometimes ask different people, until I like the answers.

The thing with questions is that I expect an answer that I would like, in most cases.

If I ask you, will you succeed in life, you would like to say a “yes”. But what’s a no?

Success….what do you even think that is. Is it the materialistic things that I can afford, or my mental satisfaction?

All I know, is time will tell

‘If ignorance is bliss, why do we seek knowledge?’ 

Priyanka Chopra

I guess that’s because humans are curious creatures. It is because we crave knowledge.

It is because knowing gives us confidence. Ignorance gives peace to the fear but doesn’t give peace to the mind.

Again, is all the truth actually true? Can I always depend on my perception? What’s beyond the 3-D world we live in? Am I safe?

Everything is going crazy in today’s times.

I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but I do know that whatever happens, I can survive. 

Let us know of your thoughts in the comments or on @sunflowerness {Instagram} and feel free to share your feedback. 

Thank you.


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