Being the best version of yourself at school
Let's face it: School life is a mess. I mean, it can be wonderful and all fun and stuff, but you can't deny that the last 2-3 years are totally filled with never-ending assignments and tedious tasks. With that, there are the scary exams and ridiculous tests that are somehow held every other day. Keeping yourself organised, planning events, studying with concentration, not being bothered by the pressure and all this without breaking down and going crazy. Woah! Despite all this, being the best version of yourself sounds silly. But hear me out, we're surrounded by people who are doing the bare minimum in life. That's why millionaires and billionaires can be counted on your fingers while the population is reaching to be billions. Ironical.
But I truly believe, that your behaviour in little things matters. Every little opportunity that you're given should be done with extreme passion such that you don't regret your performance. Or maybe I'm just a perfectionist. But as we discussed in previous blogs, about school systems and managing time- everything is difficult, but to be honest, that's literally the most integral part of our life. I mean if we survive this, the chances of surviving college and adulthood are much much higher. And doing that like a diva is what we want to achieve :)
This is a walkthrough of little tips and things you want to take care of to be a little nicer, more put together, and make most of your time.
1) First Impressions:
*upcoming blog based on this*
So, we don't want you to be a part of the Mean girls, we want you to start conversations, help out and reach out to people. A smile is fine too. Anything that one can recall. This is the perfect time to let your personality shine.
Why do we want you to do this? When you answer the questions or ask questions in classes, or maybe introduce yourself, or make a happy face when the teacher enters the class, you're making the receiver feel like they're sort of important. That makes you remember them for the good. This actually benefits you because the teacher actually pays attention to you and wants to know you out of the 30 others, which might help you gain opportunities.
Don't wear a layer of sweetness around too. That would be hard to be. The easiest thing is to let your personality shine. Be yourself. Stand for yourself and your opinions.
If nothing makes sense: just remember to be kind and be yourself :)
2) Planning:
This has been brought up in several blogs and we can't emphasize more! Being a put-together person is what we all want ideally. Just everything spick and span. Well....let me break it to you: It really doesn't happen so. This requires a lot of discipline but helps you be the best version of yourself. It all comes down to the basis. Planning just makes life easier and helps you BE a put-together person.
Managing time, making routines and all that shabang works. ( We could make an in-depth blog if you’d like, just comment down below) So your parents were right :) We won't say much, but know that it's super helpful and totally worth it. Check out more blogs about Planning:
3) Happiness:
Nah, don't stick duct tape on your lips and make up a smile. Find a reason for happiness.
You know those weird videos where they say: BE HAPPY. Well if it was that easy, nobody would be facing mental health issues and nobody would be stressed. What we want you to know, is to find a reason. Know that you're so lucky and blessed to have a house over your head and internet that helps you read this blog! What could be a better gift! Minor mishaps shall not bring you down.
So how is being happy, related to "being the best version of yourself "?Haven't you noticed all the productivity levels when you're tired compared to when you're happy? Exactly.
4) Reacting:
10% of life is what happens to you. 90% is how you react to it. When you waste your time reacting to something completely unnecessary, you are giving up time to improve yourself. For example, You wake up in the morning and you see a bad comment on your Instagram post. You actually reply to that comment with some words of disapproval and disappointment. You're angry. While you get ready for school, you just think about the audacity of the person and his/her/their unacceptable comment. You forget to pack your bag and that results in you being even more annoyed. You are running late for school because you had to pack your bag. Your teacher shouts at you for your unpunctuality and your day worsens.
Just because of your reaction to the silly comment. Rethink the scenario with a better reaction. You could have been unbothered by the comment, and just assumed that the person commenting might be having a bad day. You move on with your day, pack your bag and reach school without any delay. Your teacher is not annoyed. You are not annoyed. Your focus is on studying. See how awesome it is to respond well!!
5) Learning new things: Adding up to the things you can do actually makes you more confident and a better person. Gaining experience and learning more transforms you. It's just an addition of things you can do instead of mindlessly scrolling on Instagram that definitely does not help. Listening to or reading autobiographies of people that inspire you is a great practice. Autobiographies are super cool because it’s the life lessons of a person out into a book and there is so much you can take from it!
6) Saying no: Oh dear please don’t accept all your chores offered to you. Know your capacity and know what is important and what is not. This trick can’t really be taught because it depends on your situation and find integral. Taking all opportunities and taking up all work are two different things.
ज्ञान: ( hindi word for knowledge ):
7) Accepting reality:
You are not going to be all jolly and well all day. You may just mess up. And that's ok. Being the best version of yourself is not being a robot. You don't have to be dancing around and being joyous at the funeral of a relative. Then you're just plain crazy. Having ups and downs is a part of life. It's not going to be a clean path. There's gonna be sticky and slimy situations. But you don't have to forget what you can do. You're no lesser, and you can reach great heights. Just know it needs a lot of motivation. But we're here for you :)
And also, it’s not that we’ve reached’s that we’ve observed so many changes when we practice such tips, and we too have a long way to go. But I, you and all of us will be there :)
Hope you liked this blog full of meaningful information that helps in being the best version of yourself. What we’d like you to do ASAP is comment down things you like to do that helps you in being a better version of yourself!
Highly recommend this AWESOME BOOK
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