Mixing Recipes
Since our last baking blog was a hit, I decided to write about mixing recipes. Mixing recipes is basically mixing two different recipes which you want in your final master chef goodie
I have tried this several times, especially baking cakes. I usually take the main cake from a recipe and frosting from another recipe. 3 out of 4 cakes turn out great, well only because I used the same combination of recipes for the 3 (Hilarious me). I usually make the frosting with the base of butter and sugar and cocoa powder and so on. I tried frosting with cream. I whipped it and added vanilla essence. It was good but something was off. This cake was also a little more dense than usual.
Whipped cream Frosting (Cute, isn't it?)
So basically experimenting is great. You get to know what goes with what and why. After this experimenting I found out that the butter based frosting goes well with a fluffy cake. Also the butter based frosting is much thicker and filling.
Butter based frosting (I think I only make cute cakes ;) )
Things to keep in mind while mixing recipes is the quality of the recipes and Quantity which is really important .
I learned the quantity factor the hard way. It was my mothers birthday. I was making the cake for her mini party. I had made the cake and the and the frosting separately, but did not assemble the cake yet. Later on i kinda got late to assemble the cake and while assembling i realised that --There wasn't enough frosting. The cake was liked by everyone but i personally thought it was kinda dry because of the deficiency of frosting.
This was just my experience. Comment down below to share any tips you have learned from your experiments.
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