Compilation of Compositions!
For this week's Composition - I, we thought of presenting a few small pieces in a hope that they inspire you to grab that notebook and let your thoughts flow! If it does neither of that, just read through and relax. If they don't make sense, definitely share it with others ;-)
Do you know how we get excited when we learn something new? Sometimes maybe :). We're mind blown and want to share it with the entire world. Rather, shout it out and jump around.
Children. They are little innocent ones. They learn something every day. It's a new experience experienced every moment. They must have so many things to tell. So many observations. Their excitement is constant. Like they're alive all the time. All you have to do is listen. Listen to the wonders they find in the silly little papaya seed. You might gain a new perspective. However, do this to keep that excitement alive. Thoughts and curiosity is curbed down by information fed to us. Why can't we just wonder? Wonder and wait. Wonder and listen. Wonder and tell. Wonder.
She makes me jealous yet proud. My self. My past self. She was a wonderful little girl, but at the same time, she knew nothing. She had stories in mind, but stories that were given to her on a piece of plate. The stories of women waiting for the man of their lives. The stories of men who fought against all obstacles. The women, coy and shy. Quite and composed. Is that what a woman is meant to be?
My past self knew that I'd be something great. My past self loved her future self. She was waiting to live an amazing life. She was confident that she will break through it all. But was this another story told? A story of misery turned to a life of luxury only with a plot twist of a few pages. Alas, she didn't know how a few pages could hold decades.
My past self would wait. Wait for the right time. The time when everything was meant to be. She didn't know that she made the future self. She was innocent but she believed.
Her dreams had no bounds. She couldn't stick to just one profession. She wanted to be an all-in-one package, like the intelligent, beautiful, and patient princess of the books. Maybe, she still can't settle for one path. She wants to live it all.
My past self thought that all goes great. But now I'm insecure. I'm afraid of losing my mind. Could this happen? The stories didn't tell her this. To escape all this she made her own stories. Real ones with brave women. Ones with scars to show. The stories had chapters filled with struggles and phrases filled with joy. I know now.
Oh dear, time, is baffling. I am becoming the past, and maybe, maybe this time, the past won't let the future down. The stories thought me hope. I'd like to keep it with me. Always me.
Average. It sounds like a negative word. An apple tastes average. But oh how wonderful does a well-made fruit salad taste. It looks alive. Tastes delightful.
Being stuck to average is fear.
Every time I use this word, a wave of anxiety passes through my heart. What if? Triggering question. What if I stay average. I write- average. Marks- average. Communication-average. Heck, my face is "average".Exceptional? How can I be exceptional if millions of people are already ahead of me?
Oh but I try, I try to be exceptional. This essay is an attempt at it. But alas, could it be so? The thing is, being exceptional is hard, if you're not born that way. And yes, all of them say, "All humankind is genius", but why are there a few thousand billionaires but billions of average persons. They say, "you've to find what you're exceptional at", and that, my friend, is hard. Hard when all have found their calling. And I can't decide on a College. Hard when the newspaper shares the top scores of the country, not "average" scores. You'd call me hopeless, but where do I find hope when the world is suffering for years and years. Hope is difficult.
You can get up every time you fall. I know I have hope. I know I have the ambition to change my country. Take it back to it was the best. Unfortunately, politics has become a business.
So where do I find a ray of hope? Or shall I just dig deeper in the hole of average and live in that burrow. Unknown by the world, with potential hidden, and ambition dead.
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