Gift Giving: A guide!

The gift is a wide topic. It wouldn’t be enough for one blog, but I am going to try my best to cover all

types of gifts. Comment if I missed any.

Gifts can be an obvious thing like birthdays or weddings and celebrations like that. Or it can

be a formality such as for house warming or more. I fancy myself a good gift giver. In this blog, I

will be telling you about some gifts that you can give to virtually anyone

Birthdays are something that comes around every year (obviously). So there can be the

birthdays of a close friend, a good friend, a colleague, a co-worker, a teacher and so many

more. I personally love putting thought into my gifts for close friends. Recently it was my best

friend's birthday, and I decided to put together a little gift box with various little things in it. This

doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive, it can be things you made yourself and much more. I

added two shirts, a makeup product because she loves it, and a card with some bracelets I

made from thread. I even included a handwritten letter.

For a good friend or co-worker, you can give them something general. You can give

them something like a novel, or a showpiece for their house or aesthetic calendar (if their

birthday comes at the start of the year) or a planner or simply a notebook.

Birthdays are just a general thing I talked about but I’m going to be telling you the thought

process while giving a gift

First, you see the occasion. Whether it is a birthday or a wedding, graduation, etc. You have a

particular set of things you can give a person according to the occasion. So you have already

narrowed a bunch of things down. For example, the birthday of a close friend is coming up, so I

started planning the gift like a month ago ( I honestly don’t know the reason)

Second, you see the interests and likes or dislikes of the person. Eliminate anything you know

for sure the person won’t like. For example, the birthday mentioned in the first point, this person

here is a big fan of Harry Potter, she loves learning new things and she is also fascinated by

new things. So I made sure to give her something of each category.

Third, browse something related to the person's interest. Just a warning, if you like it, it doesn’t

necessarily mean the person will like it too. For example, since the person loved Harry Potter, I

decided to give her a Harry Potter T-shirt, but I made sure it was something subtle and it wasn’t

screaming Harry Potter. I also gave her a shirt which had the meaning of a word on it, because

she likes new things.

Fourth, imagine yourself in the place of the person who will be receiving the gift. If everything

works out, then you are good to go and buy the gift.

Fifth, enjoy the person's reaction to your well-thought-out gift.

I hope this blog will help you get the right gift to whomever you are planning a gift for. If there

are any tips you want to share, go ahead and comment down below.

Thank you for reading this blog


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