Communication mistakes!!
1. Inappropriate introduction
Introducing yourself properly is the first step in making a great first impression. A common error is starting your introduction with - 'Hello, Myself Sarah'. This is grammatically incorrect.
Instead a good way to start your introduction would be -- 'Good morning/afternoon, I am Nancy' or 'hello, my name is Nancy'
Another error people make when asking people their names is –'What is your good name?' This is an Indian expression, a direct translation from the Hindi 'Aapka shubh naam kya hai?'
This expression should be avoided. The simple replacement is 'What is your name?'
2. Using fillers like umm, uh, you know, like, etc.
Filler words like "um" may seem natural in everyday speech, but they do not belong in formal presentations or in interviews.
Reducing the fillers is essential so that listeners can focus solely on their message.
When you use a filler word such as "um," you are thinking verbally.
The best way to avoid using filler words is to pause, take a couple seconds to think about what you want to say.
3. Avoid speaking too fast
When you speak too fast, you don't leave nice spaces of silence between phrases and sentences, thus making your listeners work too hard.
People interpret fast talking as a sign of nervousness and a lack of self-confidence.There are some useful exercises you can download from the internet to practice and put pause between phrases or at the ends of sentences.
Speak clearly. Make sure that you slow down your pace and embrace the pause.
4. Not maintaining eye contact
Eye contact is important in conveying interest, sincerity, confidence and attention.Eye contact is looking another person in the eyes when you are communicating with them. If you are avoiding eye contact, then you appear to be intentionally looking somewhere other than a person's eyes when communicating.
This can be interpreted many different ways, depending on culture, for example, disinterest or anxiety. So, one should maintain eye contact if possible and culturally appropriate.
5. Frequent interruptions
Assert yourself into interrupting a conversation only when it is really needed.
You should do this politely, example -- 'Excuse me; I want to make sure I understand this'.
Constant interruptions may be perceived as arrogant or intolerant behaviour. The best way to make a required interruption is to look for an opportune time in the conversation, such as when the speaker is slowing down.
6. Not focusing on the tone of your voice
One part of communication we often do not examine is the tone we use when we are communicating with others. Carefully consider your tone from the perspective of how others hear it -- a pleasant or confident voice or a tired, bored voice?
7. Using jargons
Jargons are special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand. People often use jargon when a simple, clear statement would communicate the message as well. Some use jargon in a misguided attempt to impress, unaware that people don't know what they mean.
Not all jargon is bad. Vocational use of jargon with your colleagues is useful.
The overuse of jargon may however make you look as an elitist or as someone with a limited vocabulary unable to communicate beyond a narrow field.
8. Avoid negative phrasing
You should always try to use positive language and positive reinforcement, even if your message could be seen as negative. Positive language sounds helpful, encouraging and moves the discussion forward.
Don't Say: 'You never finish work on time'.
Do Say: 'It seems you are having some difficulty with the timelines. What can I do to help'?
9. Don't panic in uncomfortable situations
Try not to fall apart if someone asks a question that you cannot answer.
Tell them that you cannot give an accurate answer right now and that you will follow up with them as soon as possible.
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