Are we wasting our time in school?


The photo above makes the question look very serious, like VERY serious. The system of school has been there with humanity for thousands of years. In the olden times, it was the gurukul system, then private tutoring and slowly and steadily we have reached where we are now. Where exactly have we reached now? Well, there are hardly any destinations for these things. Changes for betterment will continuously come and go. Let's get onto the topic: “Are We Wasting Our Time In School”

Honestly, I don't think so, but then why am I writing a blog about it? Because there are some important points that make me doubt it.

I study in the Icse board. You may hear every other student of my age say that ‘Man, I want to quit school. I am just wasting my time.’ For an adult in their late 30s, it seems childish, but I guarantee you, it really is mad that 120 students in a standard are expected to have the same answer. The essays are expected to have the same out of box ideas and the notices are to have the same, standard ‘creative heading’.

But hey, by stating that it is completely unfair that students have to spend two years just mugging up, killing out of the box questions, stop being who you are, study and only study, and particularly only study; I cannot say that Quit Your School, Give up the broad and wondrous range of education.

Education is a beautiful word. It is a weapon, but it depends whether you use it to create a better future or to worsen it. In india (and probably around the world) education starts at the tender age of 3 years and it is never ending but for the sake of words and how it is for most of the indians, it ends at 23; these are the years we are shaped, these years determine the future of the planet!! Education has come shaping the world, mostly in the right way, but then what is the right way? 

Back to quitting school, ask your parents about it. I believe they will say NO. they will reason that then you will not get into a good high school, then no good college, then no good job, then no good life head, no good retirement and well, that will be your life. I wouldn't entirely contradict this statement, but I wouldn't even totally agree with it. I believe in the end, the only person who determines how successful you are is YOU. Yes, education Is important. Even in the super difficult way it is right now. You may have to thrive through the hard for the perfect score but hey, the target is not the perfect score.

Your target should be all that you think you should do. You think you can be an awesome photographer and want to study further about it? You should do it because you want to ssee the world and capture the beauties of it, not because your parents think it will help them show their relative they are unique! You want to be a scientist, become because you want to discover and find something super cool, not because your teacher thinks you can become that!!

Don't quit your school, even though it may seem like an endless suffering for now ( it really may turn out to be one) just thug up. I will end this blog by quoting:

To bring a change in the system, you must be on the top

To be on the top you must have power

To have power, you must have education


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