Common Art Mistakes


Art Mistakes

You must have heard that there can be no mistakes in art. Like if you do something wrong it

becomes abstract. In my opinion that's only applicable to great artists, and not common people

like me and you. I have been drawing and painting for almost three years now. I'm not an epic

artist, but I have learned a lot from this journey and I expect to learn much more.

In this blog, I will be telling you the minor mistakes that you might make when you are drawing

or painting

  1. Too much pressure

One mistake I make more than I should be putting too much pressure on the pencil

while sketching. This causes two problems. Erasing, when you erase the drawing you

can still see the lines and it becomes a rigid line that cannot be completely erased.

Painting,  when you start painting after sketching with too much pressure, you can see

the line no matter how much you try to erase it 

Solution: using an HB or 2B pencil or as the saying goes, "Practice makes a man perfect"

  1. Too much paint 

Whenever making a perfect colour to paint with, the quantity is never perfect. I usually

make too much and it breaks my heart to just wash all of that precious paint off my

palette. I make a little too less and then I try to add water to the paint hoping it would

work, but who am I kidding … it just makes the colour lighter 

Solution: I honestly don't have one, but if you do leave it in the comments. People like

me need a solution for this.

  1. Too much water

When using watercolours, too much water is a major problem. I honestly was too

scared to use watercolours just because of this reason. I handle them just fine now.

Using too much water lightens the colour of you are going for a solid colour look (not a

problem when that's what you are going for). It can also make the page tear if you paint

too much in a particular area

Solution: While painting, keep another piece of paper with you and test the paint before

actually painting on your masterpiece

  1. Too light or Too Dark

When Painting, you might make a much lighter shade than you want it to be. And then

you make it too dark and you end up frustrated. 

Solution: Start out with a lighter shade, test it on a separate paper and see how it looks

when it is dried, Sometimes paint becomes darker when dried.

These are the common mistakes anyone can make while painting or drawing. Comment

on any other mistakes, you have made.

Thank you for reading this blog :)


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