Just Another Sunday


It’s just another Sunday, You are feeling lazy like literally anybody else on this planet. Maybe you are watching a movie with your sibling, knowing the number of assignments and studies you are ignoring then. But you still continue to be lazy. Now I am not saying this is me but it is. We all like to give ourselves breaks but are we giving ourselves more breaks than we actually need.

All I want to say is that we feel guilty about not doing work once in a while and we think to ourselves I’ll cover it up tomorrow. Some of you may actually do that but some of you may not. Time is essential, it is passing as you read this. To save your time, you may make a timetable and not follow it once in a while, but that is just human nature. 

The thing I wish to convey by this blog is that you may think it is just another Sunday you have not done anything productive. But how many Sundays have you had not done anything productive? This is a motivational message for myself and all other students who are feeling down because online school has been going on for a long time, but not doing anything isn’t an option. Instead, get up make yourself a to-do list and get stuff done. Trust me, you will feel great. 

I can't give you ways of being productive because it won't apply to everyone. All I know is that ticking things off your to-do list feels damn good


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