Small Business Online Shopping

 Consumerism, materialism, and other evils of the world occupy most of our minds. Like the negatives dominate the positives in the human mind. What do we do about them, something other than fretting at least? It’s about the little initiatives. In this blog, we hyped up thrifting - a sustainable shopping venture. Let’s talk about Small Businesses now. The concept of small businesses refers to local sellers. The items they produce are not produced in bulk and are usually handmade. “Small businesses” are uncomplicated and small-scale, with limited associates. Often, only one member is involved in all aspects of the business. Therefore, you can call it a sole trader business. 

This culture is prevalent on Instagram specifically. It also has a designated feature called “Instagram Shops”. One can open Business Accounts and thereby create a platform for trading. We must try and switch from commercial brands to support such outlets. 

I limit purchasing unnecessary items and promote this idea everywhere. However, I become lenient only for my best friend’s birthday (she deserves it). This is the time of the year where I get my research glasses on. Every product that is related to her likes goes to my list. I decided to give her gifts that are all made in India. This story ends with me including small business products. 

That’s where this blog comes about! I wanted to share my experience and mistakes. Now you don’t have to worry ;). 

Step 1: Choosing - 

How do we know if it’s trustworthy? 

I usually rely on reviews and consistency. You could go a step further and politely DM another customer. Though, you don’t have to do that. Check on the Highlights and stories mostly. You can also communicate with the person. Several stores are kind enough to share their allies. If they are active too, you can trust both. Look at the comments and consult your fellow shoppers. You can share your favourites in the comments. Tag us and add “ #SmallBusinessSunflowerness “ to post your reviews on Instagram. 

Step 2: Placing order- 

I took most details a week before ordering. If budget is your main concern, do not forget the shipping charges. If delivery is your concern, plan well in advance. Remember that Amazon can ship your product in 12 hours, but such stores rely on external services. If your order is customised, it will take time to prepare and ship. 

You have to be VERY SPECIFIC. Do not expect the owner to know what exactly you need. Don’t shy away from sharing details and do everything that is to be done by you. I made the mistake of not cropping my pictures while sending them. That resulted in the final product being a little below my expectation. 

Please keep the desired mode of transaction ready. You should be precise and alert. Please be gentle to the owner during this process and keep the screenshots and verification ready. 

Step 3: Post Purchase

Personally, my wait wasn't too long. My items arrived before the expected time. For others, it may take a week approximately. So friends, have patience and maybe keep your expectations lower. You can follow up with the owner. Be transparent about your urgency, which might keep your order in priority.

Please be considerate and understanding. Your needs may important, but these stores can handle only so much pressure.

I do not indulge in the act of sharing my achievements on social media. But when it comes to small businesses, don't hesitate to spread the word. It will help a great deal for the growth of the business.

Lastly, I would like to request all of you to stick to them. Choose small businesses over other larger and often wasteful companies. The idea of someone creating something for you is simply adorable. Share the love with and for small businesses <3.


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