The Perfect Movie Date


Most of the students might have a vacation. I know you have studies (I do too), but you can take ... I don't know, a 2hr break. What can you do in two hours you ask? 


Today I will be giving you a perfect movie night set up for you and your movie buddies 

Step one

Pick the time of the day of watching the movie. It can be at night, and if it is you can make it a dinner movie kind of thing. Or you can have dinner and then cuddle in your cosy bed and watch the movie ... Whatever works for you.

Step two

Pick the movie. Now if only you are watching, then it's chill. BUT if you are watching it with someone else, you have to decide on the movie. Otherwise, you will sit and decide the movie for the duration of it.

Step three 

Decide your dinner or lunch (if you have a dinner or lunch movie night or afternoon). If not, go and get your favourite snacks to munch on for the movie. Some snacks are chips, candy, nachos, a sandwich, etc

Step four 

Find the cosiest place in your house to watch the movie. Grab your pillows and blanket (in Mumbai's freezing cold hehe) and snacks 

Step five.


It's that simple to set up a movie night. So what are you waiting for, go plan your movie night now 

If you want some Bollywood movie recommendations, I'll leave this link here

Thank you for reading this blog


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