Yearly Reflections - Teen Edition
2k22 here we go! We cannot talk about the upcoming year without acknowledging the last two. They were terrible, to say the least. 2020 must be forgotten and 2021 has nothing that is worth remembering. However, let's hope that 2022 will be a little kinder. Why do I think so? Because we've went through two mentally and physically taxing years already. We're stronger than ever. And well, wise enough to be prepared for tragedy. If tomorrow they announce the occurrence of a zombie apocalypse, I won't be shocked.
However, what is this wisdom I'm talking about? It's basically a teenager's learnings in this farrago. Why is this special? C'mon! Teens are the most messed up organisms on earth. They'll be 170cm tall and still not be taken seriously. Seriously?
So here it goes, let's read things you probably already know. Though it's fun to listen to the stories attached ;)
Treat People the way you want to be treated: Kindness was one of my major learnings this year. You could complicate it by explaining brotherhood and universal love. Though, my way is following this simple principle. One can call it empathy as well. I believe that empathy creates kindness. Put yourself in someone else's shoes, and behave accordingly. Wouldn't you like a warm hug by someone after a day of struggling ? Be that someone. Think about the five most important people, and do something for them. Dedicate them time, so that you can make life easier for them. Karma will come back to you :)
Life is Hard. Now I understand why people make motivational speeches. I'm not saying that they're useful, just that their existence makes sense. It isn't going to be a joyride. Things mess up. Everything crumbles in a moment, and then the sun comes out again. So being hopeful about the day, and not sulking is the way to go. I often find myself being irritable. Holding on to grief. At that moment, it feels right. It feels right to dwell in sadness. However, don't you feel completely ethereal when you're joyous. Sweet sweet Joy! It's addictive. But sadness pulls you apart. It occupies you and wraps you in a cold, rainy weather. It makes life dull. Heck I don't want to live like that!
I do not mean to say that sadness is unnecessary. It certainly is inevitable. I just want us to get up and look for the colours of the rainbow. Defining life is close to impossible- but i know for a fact that it isn't supposed be weariful.
In conclusion, life is difficult and there are going to be several ups and downs. It's wavy in here. So what now? I learnt that I must question every action of mine. Sometimes us teens get angry unnecessarily. Even if it's not unnecessary, we can't dwell on it. Well a little bit of crying is welcomed. Lying on bed isn't. Am i making sense?
Life happens-take a break- think about it- be hopeful cause it happens to everyone and you'll get through it. Be strong.
Superiority hits hard:
I cannot stress more upon this but superiority does hit hard. Even the slightest feeling of you being greater makes you feel like a queen. It's very hard to ground oneself and even harder to do it the right way. And i don't mean to say that I'm superior. I just happened to get affected my a simple "very good" by my teacher. You could call me sensitive. Slightest discomfort turns into anger and littlest compliments make me jump around. It's silly, but true. The anger is tackled by analysis of the cause. The overconfidence needs a little bit help. Maybe working and keeping busy. Or just enjoying the moment, and then moving on. I don't know how to, but I know it kinda is a problem. That sort of deviates you from your drive and motivation i feel.
Speaking of drive and motivation-
Achievements - If you're expecting a defination of success, I don't mean to elaborate. However what I do know is the road to achieving your goals. It's basic but tedious. It's what everyone says, and everyone knows. Discipline and Hardwork. Cannot beat these two at all. It's a very logical concept but difficult to keep up with. I notice in my daily life how discipline keeps everything going. Although, it isn't easy to be consistent and motivation is never in stock.
Yeah manifesting and believing works because it's sets your mindset. You need those for "motivation". But action cannot be replaced. Loads of people told me this, but I guess you have to realise it yourself. The young tendency to prove everything wrong will be there. However it cannot beat widsom.
That was all for this year. Signing off with a virtual hug because these years were dreadful. We learnt, we achieved, we realised, we grew up. Let's welcome more of this in the upcoming year. Happy New Year buddies <3
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