manipulative social media


With time, social media has become essential in our daily life. It is used to keep up with celebrities, and connect with our long-lost friends, nowadays, even the government uses it for official announcements. Every 10-year-old has their own insta account. Along with all these good sides, it is also consuming too much of our time. And by too much I mean tooooooooooo much. 

We Can see the positive sides of Social Media everywhere. What else could provide such easy and convenient cultural intermixing across the world! What else could help people create new friends across the world? well. okay, social media IS useful. But try to see what was the last time you went longest without social media?

1 hour? or 2 hours? exactly. it is attractive and addictive. it has become a part of your brain. To check it every short period of time has become an addiction. A dangerous addiction it is.  

Getting to the point, there is a quote that states:

If you are not paying for the product, you are the product’

Have you ever thought about why we get all this unlimited information, ways of contacting a person all way across the globe for free and yet be one of the richest companies that ever existed? How do they earn the money? You don't pay, do you? You know the answer is advertising, but then how is it different from advertising on TV and Billboards? The answer is YOU. They take your data, use you, your search history, your location, and indirect signals you give to advertise a certain thing you require. 

Have you ever thought about how google maps work? Magic right. How do they show the real-time movement of roads and people? Well, let us talk about how they show traffic on roads and how they show the peak hours of traveling to a place. The answer is simple. They track you. I leave it to you to think about the seriousness and depth of this problem.


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