Daily Habits for Happy Skin

Every moment of passing time spent defines the larger outcome. I have observed that miniscule but consistent efforts have the power to bring a gargantuan change. This principle could be applied even in the realm of skincare. To achieve something, we must involve all its elements in our lifestyle. Thus, this blog brings simple skin care practices to include in daily routines. 
Missing some basics can lead to unwanted skincare problems. Perhaps a slight switch could alter your skincare game altogether. Use this blog as a checklist the next time you're in front of the sink. I hope you learn something new. 

1. 60- second cleanse. 
The most basic step is to always have a clean face. In the age of rising pollution, it has become essential to wash our faces. However, we often look over it. I believe a proper cleanse could help clear your skin significantly. Having said that, I do not advocate excess scrubbing. Washing your face at most twice a day is enough. It is how you wash it that makes a difference. Take your time and try your best to reach the crevices of your nose and the corners of your face. Quality of washing is more important than frequency

2. Against Gravity
One of the attempts of skincare has been to reduce ageing. For centruies, women have tried to look younger and more youthful. This decade has been a little more forgiving. However, if you are interested in learning the superpowers of "looking thirty as a fifty", it lies in movements. While applying serums or moisturizer, it is our natural instinct to drag it down. Let's switch it to more upward movements. Nothing wrong with circular or downward movement. People who embrace mature skin can choose to skip this one. However, an easy massage can certainly benefit blood and lymph circulation. 

3. Clean
As a teenager, my skin takes no time to break out. Thus, it has become a habit to make sure my surroundings are clean. Cleaning the inside of your nails, having cleaning bed sheets and pillow cases and not touching your face too often are good practices. Another wonderful addition to your skincare routine is handwashing. For a clean face, you must have clean hands. 

4. The Ignored Step
The skin of your face, neck, and chest is more sensitive than the rest of your body. Your eyelids are even thinner. Therefore, we must always apply our skincare products down the neck. Signs of aging appear on the neck and hands. We often miss them out, concentrating only on our face. Let your hands and neck get some love! Be gentle around your eyelids. Avoid heavy eye cream. As a teenager, I find myself skipping it altogether. 

5. Gentle Protection
Another important step is to not be aggressive with your towel. In fact, there is no necessity of wiping or dabbing your face. I let the water on my face mix with my moisturizer. It leaves the skin looking healthy and plump. 
Although a redundant request, I'd like to add sunscreen for protection. The impending climate change and it's effects are causing immense problems. Besides all steps we take as a community, don't forget your sunscreen!

I hope you take this blog as a reminder. We might miss some of these precautions. I urge all readers to be a little more kinder, gentler, and nicer to your skin. All the steps barely take a thought and a few seconds to be accomplished. I wish you happy skin!


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