Anger Managment


A proper definition of anger is "Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong."

It would be a rather uncanny situation if you’re not familiar with feelings of anger. A very natural, common yet undesirable emotion. It is the kind of acquaintance you’d like to avoid, the phone calls of whom you do not like to answer. Probably someone of higher authority, as you have to answer the phone call every time, you’re obliged to. Or it’s someone who you could avoid but it seems to be a rather difficult task to decline.

Anger is a feeling which is usually provoked by external stimulus, so we may say that it is a reaction to such. Therefore, it depends on each person's value of rights and wrongs. Anger is unnecessary in most circumstances.

A lot of us are unknowingly influenced by anger, our own or someone else’s. Such an influence is not pleasant or helpful, rather quite negative in most scenarios. Think about the last time you were shouted at. It certainly wasn’t a very joyous experience. Shouting, crying, and causing destruction are a few ways in which we often express our anger. 

Enough of the basics. You already know this stuff! Let us look at the science of anger.

First, we’ve to get familiar with two parts of the brain- the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex. Like most parts of the brain, “research is still going on” to understand the amygdala. For our purpose, we must only know that this guy is very emotional and reactive. It alarms the body and plays a role in getting you ready for a fight! 

Speaking specifically of the left side of the prefrontal cortex, this part of the brain turns off your emotions. Contrary to the functions of the amygdala, this part allows your body to chill out and give some thought to your actions. 

So basically, there are good and bad parts to the mind, but both are equally important.

I cannot stress enough the importance of controlling your anger. A more technical term for controlling anger is anger management. It can be defined as, "Anger management refers to a way by which people control their anger". Anger management is the cheat sheet to help your prefrontal cortex to control the amygdala resulting in less violent reactions. I am sure that each person has their way of managing anger. Some of the ways recommended to control anger are :

Immediate Actions: 

  1. Deep Breathe:

Even though this technique is not popular, it is really helpful. As Tracy McConnell (How I Met Your Mother) said “Before making any big decision just close your eyes and take three deep breaths” Deep breaths just work on any level.

  1. Hum a song:

Sometimes distracting yourself makes sense. I like to distract myself by humming or listening to a song. I know one might not always remember to hum a song, but trust me, it works.

  1. Rant:

Instead of calming down, one might opt to rant. They might not be wrong, you know. Just letting out what small thing is making you so angry, makes sense. It can be a small detail for a perfectionist or a list of things over time. I would suggest just texting or calling a friend or family member and just ranting away. Writing down or tweeting is a common form of ranting too! You would feel much better, I promise. 

  1. Talk to someone:

Talking to a loved one; like mother, father or sibling helps a lot. They know you the best and by that logic, they will for sure know how to calm you down. If you are mad about an incident at school, they will tell you to let the thing angering you go. 

Long Term Solutions: 

  1. Observing Patterns:

If you get angry frequently or maybe you're irritable, find the root of the problem. What's something that drives you mad all the time? The basic principle is to try to know yourself. If it's the mess in the house- motivate yourself to stop piling up things. Since you know it’s going to end up in your loss! If it's a situation that is not under your control, knowing that it's a waste of time is indispensable. Also, finding your ways and observing what calms you down is helpful too. 

  1. Meditating: 

Now that might just be a heavy word to use. The term meditation is widely known to all, but its art is not very regularly practiced. Now we do not intend to mess up the profound concept of meditation, but for me, it is a form of relaxation. Concentrate on breathing patterns, check on any physical strains and chill out. Though my experience is too little to derive any conclusions, I must add that my acquaintances have benefited a great deal from this very practice. I notice them be much calmer in stressful situations which, previously, wasn’t the case. 

  1. People: 

To be positive, one must surround them with positivity. That means avoiding any people whose character is very disagreeable to you. Now that does not mean abruptly ending relations. Communicating has to be the keyword here. In the end, you determine who you really want to spend your precious time with. 

Anger can't be stopped because it is natural but controlling it effectively is important. We must try our best to control anger as it damages our relationship with people. Thinking twice before acting when you are angry is important. This is our input on Anger management. What such measures do is that they ensure that your body is calmed down, relaxed, and your mind makes sense of the situation in a much better manner. Now here is something interesting. As your prefrontal cortex is in full swing, and the dominance of the amygdala is reduced, your mind is in a state of moderate activeness. This implies that you can actually be more productive during this period. 

Indulge in activities that require that sort of energy. Us teenagers are inclined towards completion of any assignments during this time. This rush of energy is proven to be useful infrequent cases, including my own. 

On that note, we wrap up this complete study of anger. 

Comment below your ways of dealing with anger. Read our other blogs about:

Mobile Addiction

What to do during Stress


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