What is Stress?


Stress is still a taboo in India, and people choose not to speak about it. We still think that going to a physiatrist means that the person is ‘ mad ‘. forget about the consequences of not removing this taboo, but the effect of ignoring is worse. 

We live in  the 21th century, and we live in a world where 45% of teenagers suffer from stress, anxiety and other similar diseases. Many times when we teenagers open up about stress, we are smirked and said ‘you are a kid, what are you having to worry about? You just have to play and enjoy and you are talking about having stress !’. Even many times, we think the same to ourselves and try to bury this weight inside.

Today, let's go in to knowing ‘what is stress’,’its symptoms’, ‘its effects’ and ‘what should i do if i have it’


The first thing ‘what is stress’


As said by medline plus

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.

Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. But when stress lasts for a long time, it may harm your health.’

I don't think it needs any further explanation.

Now ’its symptoms’

Before we start the list, the symptoms are different in each person. Some may have, all the symptoms and some may only have two or three of the symptoms

Some of the most common symptoms include 

  • increased blood pressure

  • Excessive sweating

  • Over alertness

  • breathing speeds up

  • digestive system slows down

  • immune activity decreases

  • muscles become more tense

  • sleeplessness

These are only few of the symptoms, and as stated before, every person has their own set of symptoms

And finallyits effects’

Some of the common effects of stress include :

  • Less or excessive sleeping

  • fatigued, disengaged, panicky or down

  • tiredness

  • headaches or stomach aches

  • feeling irritable about ourselves or others around them

  • having trouble concentrating

  • avoiding school (not unless it is a lockdown)

  • Not being youurselves

  • Less or excessive eating

  • Wish to be lonely

Finally ‘what should be done’

Truthfully, I am no expert to say what should be done. But there is a thing i will strongly suggest, SPEAK.

Speak to your parents, your school therapist, teachers or friends, or anybody concerned. They will listen and if required, your will have a therapist. Mind you, having a therapist is nothing bad. It is always good to have someone to speak to.

Thank you and if you find this blog useful for yourself or anyone around you, please share it with them.

Read our other blogs

how to calm yourself during stress

How to prevent stress’

Thank you






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