I think we live in a world of standards. We have to many standards in our life which we have to achieve. As of now, i am in 9th stand. I have 10th standard, 11th, 12, standards to achieve. These our the normal and useful standards. But there are some standards that are completely useless but we still have them in our life. These are the society’s standards. I dont knw who are these society. Are they the people in general, then am i not in the society. Are they those gossip aunties, or are they people who force people do get into something. I dont know that, but i know than these standards are quite too many and impossible to attain.. Coincidently, women are always targeted in these standards. Women who has a big bosom, big butt, big lips, tiny waist, fox eyes, thin nose, thin nose, perfect jawline, perfect cheek bones were the right women. The rest were always expected to work for the level of ‘perfection’ Men are always forced to be manly. It is much like the men’s beauty ...