Building your Wardrobe
Fashionistas, here’s another aMazINg fashion blog! You love reading them & we love curating them for you. So let’s see, we’ve done one for colour-blocking & another for work outfits, but alas! We haven’t covered the basics for you. That’s exactly what we’d like to explore today, dive into dailies if you will.
For every human being on planet earth ( that’s probably an exaggeration ), it is a daily dilemma to deal with outfits. Every time there is an upcoming social interaction that involves dressing up, our hearts scream out - “I have nothing to wear”. We say this when we're standing in front of our dusty, messy closet, literally full of clothes. What do we do then? Well, let's understand in a step-by-step manner to avoid such horrible scenarios.
gosh, how is this the first tip to everything! C’mon, cleaning up isn't thaaaaat hard. You’ve just gotta make up your mind. just. You see, cleaning up and organizing is only going to give you a calm space to work on. Physical clutter could result in disruption of your peace of mind. That is why all Hindus clean their houses, (literally clean like it's a quarantine centre) before Diwali to invite the new year as well as everything positive. Just like how good thoughts attract a positive attitude, clean spaces attract critical thinking and thus cool closets and wonderful wardrobes ;).
Start the Marie Kondo way, dump everything in a clean space, categorize, and organize. The only thing you've gotta give special attention to is the discarding.
Now it's pretty easy to determine what deserves to be in your closet through these tips:
Have you worn it in the last four months?
Do you like how it looks on you?
Can you wear it with at least three other pieces you own?
Does it even fit currently?
Are you fed up with it?
Is it associated with some sad memory?
Do you know somebody who would like to wear it?
Does it make you feel “ugly” or unmotivated when you wear it?
If the piece of clothing concerned is ticking off one or more of these points, honey the dustbin needs it more than you do.
Planet Note :): Speaking of the dustbin, we’re living in the age of a gigantic crazy horrendous disastrous crisis. Commonly experienced in the form of global warming. Yeah, it’s pretty bad. That is why we have to make it a point to realize and take action for the betterment of the planet. So maybe just skip the dustbin, and stick to alternatives like thrifting, donating, or upcycling. Go on youtube and look for ways you can convert that old t-shirt into a bag! That’s always fun.
Thrifting is also another method of discarding your clothes. In my opinion, thrifting is the most motherly form of getting rid of clothes, bags, shoes, and even toys! Someone gets to keep it and love it. If you’re unfamiliar with this concept, let me explain. Thrift stores are stores that have second-hand pieces. It’s a system where you can buy and sell pre-used items, but this method is prevalent mostly in the case of fashion. Many thrift stores have opened up in several cities and have become a culture. It’s a truly epic form of sharing clothes. Sustainability and aesthetics, achieved at the same time!
If we’re speaking of sustainability and aesthetics, we cannot miss out on capsule wardrobes. While you’re organising your closet, consider this way of living. Capsule wardrobes are tiny, fun, basic and simple. It is based on the principle of repeating outfits. Repeating your clothes is often called a crime in the world of glamour. I think of it differently. If you repeat you’re clothes, you are re-imagining ways to wear them. Doesn’t that make you a street (style) - smart person ;). In today’s time, nobody has got the time to sort through your clothes and create new looks. That is where the capsule wardrobe comes in.
The usual capsule wardrobe contains the basics. Blacks, whites and neutrals. Solid button-downs, trousers and jackets. "Plain" is how I'd describe them. They are very functional and super easy to style. Everything goes with everything. It's the most minimalist kind of closet. Only a handful of clothes, but a varity of outfits for every occasion. Sounds like a dream, doesn't it.
However, I have a different viewpoint. I previously said, they are quite plain. I think it would be much cooler if you could add your aesthetic into it.
Here's how to achieve that.
- Have a colour palette: Choose a few ( 4-5 ) colours that you know look good on you.
- Have the basics handy.
- Choose fabrics according to the general climate of your residence.
- Avoid any piece that does not go with existing clothes in your closet.
- The usual count for clothes is around thirty in capsule wardrobes. Try to keep it under 50.
Woah, that was a lot of organizing.
Let us summarise:
Organize your wardrobe
Discard what’s supposed to be discarded
Donate and thrift instead of throwing.
Capsule Wardrobe
Sounds complex, doesn’t it. Well, it's really easy if you ask me. What is style? It is a personal preference that reflects your personality. Lots of “p” words there. Personal. Therefore we can infer that style is your way, your expression. You. Bella Hadid doesn’t dress like Gigi and vice versa. Therefore there cannot be a set method or any internet quiz to discover, if I may say so, your style. We all have different lives, different routines, and different tolerance for stilettos. Wearing the same outfit as your neighbour, who has a completely different body type & lifestyle, is not the way we should go about things. Not practical.
The way I figured out my style and made shopping easier for myself was through questions. Useful things they are, questions.
The first thing I ask myself is my priorities. What does a normal day look like for me? If working out is a major part of your day, you invest in sports apparel. If you’re mostly at home, get your hands on cute and comfortable loungewear. It makes sense to have the stuff you need, not what you want. “Hey I like that vintage corset from my favourite thrift store”, but do you even wear corsets daily?
Let me give an example. My day usually comprises of school, a casual walk and being at home. Once in a while, I get together with my friends. You see, my outfit need a casual vibe. Nothing major. It would be convenient for me to have pieces that are cosy for home, and basic for outdoors. Simple dresses chilled out tops, and flowy trousers are my thing.
A working person might require more structure. Blazers & trousers are mostly preferred.
So, our first step will be analysing how your days go on. What exactly would you wear often?
Aesthetics also play a vital role in your style. Your main character self has a signature look. We need to bring it out. Since you’ve analysed your needs, it’s time to add fashion to them. This requires some imagining. Forget real-life, imagine what you would wear to a grocery store. Don’t into consideration side looks or the cost. What would your dream outfit look like? Now do this for at least five common scenarios you go through. Voila! You’ll have your favourite clothing pieces, the colour palette you like, the fabrics you’d like to wear etc.
But wait a minute. How can I be sure that it looks good on my body? This problem has a simple solution. Look at people who have a similar body type as you. What flatters them? If this method isn’t the one for you, I say, go out and experiment. Try on things. Yeah, you could google “hourglass body outfits” or something like that. However, fashion is not coding. No set rules and unexpected results. Experimenting is the way to go. You have an idea of what is needed and you know your aesthetic by imagining. Now, all that’s left is implementing it.
Living in hoodies and not paying attention to your outfit is a mediocre way to live. We went on explaining how amazing an impact fashion has on your mind. That is why we encourage you to explore this fascinating world!
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