Fashion for Productivity
Fashion has been stripped down of its importance in recent years. A lot of times, you see people judging or looking down upon anyone who's making unique fashion choices, or even if going with the trends. I'll have to agree that some designers and fashionistas step out in outrageous clothes that are far beyond functional and practical, but just worn for the looks. However, the clothes that someone else is wearing should affect the person wearing them, not the person looking at them. How does a person's neon power suit matter to you?
The primary motive of this piece is to prove to you that fashion is not merely a waste of time. Most successful or rather "rich" people we know are known for their classic basic styles. But we are ignoring that the most influential people have a style that helps us recognise them, makes them stand out. Indira Nooyi for example, is the definition of a successful businessperson, is globally recognised for her awesome haircut and her well-fitted suits. This has become her definition. If we're permitted to imagine, think of her choosing her perfect suit and styling her hair to feel her best, and give her best for the job, make an impact! The suit gives her that upliftment.
Obviously, I'm not saying "OMG she's only successful because of her fancy suit and regular trim sessions". That's the wrong kinda message. What I do mean to say is that the fashion choices she makes not only give her this signature style but also give her this sort of feeling to "get onto work".
When we created our workwear blog, it was our intention to build up your signature style to workwear, where we pointed on several ways you could derive confidence.
We touched upon the act of separating clothes. Briefly- it is a common phenomenon that as soon as someone is in their PJs, their brain turns off and thinks that it's time to sleep. Similarly, in certain outfits, you feel like it's "productive time". It's what you associate the outfit with, which depends on both what you feel about it and in what circumstances you use them. That's probably why uniforms are a thing.
Using the example of uniforms, let me explain how I feel about those. It makes me feel lousy, quite contrary to what I just mentioned. That is because I associate school with dreadful work. Due to such a thought process, wearing uniforms makes me tired. Therefore, my productive outfit includes my favorite t-shirts and a well-fitted skirt. That's what pushes me and makes me feel like "hey girl, it's work time!"
There must be one outfit that just makes you feel like you can conquer the world. It makes you wanna hustle harder until you reach your destination, however crazy that may sound.
But Sunflower, how do we find them? Well, why are we here for?
The first step really is to sense your mood and observe your behavior. Are you a more emotional person? Then probably your mom's high school top makes you feel like you're on top of the world. For some, it's the new things that spark up joy. But that doesn't mean you'll have to spend a million bucks over clothes. It's called thrifting. Sell your own( or donate) clothes, and then get new ones from the thrift store!
You might not be a fashion-frenzy person. For you, I'd recommend trying out making outfits. Try taking 10 minutes out of your life and go through your wardrobe. Pair something you never have. Something creative. You can take inspiration from social media platforms, check out celebrity looks, or just go on our blog!
Once you're proud of an outfit, you automatically would like to show it to the world. I mean, it's your first creation. That suddenly pushes you to go to work and seize the day!
You see, it only took 10 minutes to inspire you to get onto work. We're only human, how can we possibly be motivated all the time. Let fashion be your friend.
But hear me out, there may be situations when you're outfit doesn't satisfy the eyes of the audience. However, just remember, you're not the performer to please people.
Other than figuring out what you like, try experimenting. Flared pants to work? Maybe not a bad idea. Go gaga.
Inculcating fashion in daily lives is not that difficult. I would spend ages planning my next day's look for any event, even if it's a visit to a relative. They probably don't care about what I'm wearing, or they think I'm weird, but either way, I feel awesome. The plus point to this is taking your Instagram up a notch ;)
You see, fashion isn't just a "timepass", as people like to label it. There are aspects to me that may sound absolutely senseless, but our primary focus must be on the positives. Stepping out, and having to look forward to something every day shall inspire us. Our boring lives with T-shirts and jeans need to be ditched. just get over it, find your personal style and let clothes be much more than just a medium to protect our bodies.
Update: I have been proactively trying to inculcate styling my regular clothes. Turns out, I'm having one of the best weeks personally. My mood is less irritable, and every glance on the mirror is adding to my joy! I've never felt so confident in these weeks. Is this a mere coincidence or is this fashion psychology helping? You decide ;)
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