Compilation of Compositions!
For this week's Composition - I, we thought of presenting a few small pieces in a hope that they inspire you to grab that notebook and let your thoughts flow! If it does neither of that, just read through and relax. If they don't make sense, definitely share it with others ;-) Wonder Do you know how we get excited when we learn something new? Sometimes maybe :). We're mind blown and want to share it with the entire world. Rather, shout it out and jump around. Children. They are little innocent ones. They learn something every day. It's a new experience experienced every moment. They must have so many things to tell. So many observations. Their excitement is constant. Like they're alive all the time. All you have to do is listen. Listen to the wonders they find in the silly little papaya seed. You might gain a new perspective. However, do this to keep that excitement alive. Thoughts and curiosity is curbed down by information fed to us. Why can't we just wonder...